This was not the plan

It’s been several months since my last post. I had this whole plan to follow up my last post with how God worked on me to build my faith (per my request) and so much stuff kept happening it just got overwhelming. I was trying to take notes and keep up with specific things so I could document and share my process…EPIC FAIL…LOL!!! And now here I am in the middle of the COVID and Racism Pandemic. In my time with God this week, he was really on me about posting. I do not have the platform where I reach thousands or even hundreds, but this MY platform and whoever reads this God meant for you to. He will leave 99 for the one. So if this is even for one person, I had to do it.

So in short, 2020 has not been the plan AT ALL, and for once in my life, I’m sure most, of not all can relate to this feeling. This has been some of the most trying times for me and I had not planned for this nor was I prepared. I want to share with you one thing God has shared with me during this time. All of this may have caught you and I by surprise but NONE of this snuck up on God. He’s Alpha and Omega so he knew what 2020 was going to bring and since he’s Omega, he also know how he’s gonna bring us through this. So if he already know, that means he’s already worked it out, it’s DONE! In it’s simplest form, that means we shouldn’t worry but rather have faith. However; let’s be real, we are worried. We’re worried when things will be normal again, we worried when the racial injustice of black people will stop in America, we worried about our health, our families and the list goes on. What I want to share is, the whole point is to trust him. It’s not our job to have the answers, and thank God we are responsible for that job, but it IS absolutely our job to have faith. Faith does not mean the absence of fear, it means we will choose to stand on his word and not our feelings. I don’t have any answers but I DO have a God who has all the answers, so I have come to the conclusion that I will release my plan and ask God to share His plan for me and align myself according.